Zeltiq: Fab or Drab?

zeltiq, mas, manhattan aesthetic surgery, dr nicholas vendemiaIn my opinion, Zeltiq is definitely FAB!

What if there was a way to target localized unwanted fat bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise with a quick, easy, safe, and effective non-invasive office treatment?

Thanks to the great minds of physicians at Mass General Hospital (Harvard Medical School’s Hospital), a revolutionizing new technology named Coolsculpting by Zeltiq is available to decrease targeted fat deposits in the belly, love handles, and back area (with a handpiece on the way for treatment of the buttocks).

Keep Reading for more info!

What is Zeltiq?

Zeltiq is unique and patented. No other device works like the Zeltiq. It was developed by world-renowned dermatologists (Rox Anderson, MD considered by many to be the “father of laser medicine”, and Dieter Manstein, MD) at Massachusetts General Hospital, a Harvard affiliate, which should give assurance to patients considering the treatment. Zeltiq actually eliminates fat cells from specific localized targeted areas of the body, without surgery, needles, anesthesia or the need for pain medication. Clinical studies involving hundreds of patients show that the Zeltiq procedure provides a noticeable, measurable fat reduction in 2-4 months in properly selected patients

How does Zeltiq work?

Fat cells are naturally more vulnerable to the effects of cooling than skin and other surrounding tissues. Fat cells can be safely eliminated without harming the skin. The Zeltiq controlled cooling causes crystallization of the lipids in the fat cells, leading to damage to the cells and gradual, safe elimination by the body’s normal metabolic processes. Fat cells are processed similar to how fat from food is naturally eliminated through the lymphatic system. Each treatment results in an average 20 to 25% reduction in the fat layer. This reduction of fat flattens and smoothes the targeted fat bulges.

Patients comfortably lie down or sit, depending on the area treated. Many treated areas consist of two sites: the left side and the right side. Often the abdomen may be treated as one site with a new large handpiece that treats 2 1/2 to 3 times the area of the smaller handpieces.

The actual process involves attaching a hand piece, which uses suction, to the area that needs treatment. Patients will feel a tugging sensation. The cold plates are then turned on for one hour. No pain medication or anesthetic is needed. The Zeltiq procedure is comfortable enough to read, work on a laptop, listen to music with headphones, watch DVDs, or take a nap during the procedure.

Usually two hours of treatment will be scheduled at a time, but patients may schedule more or less. The applicator will deliver precisely controlled cooling to the fat, while protecting the skin.

Is there pain during or after the procedure?  Are there adverse side effects or downtime?

The Zeltiq procedure has no down time! It is safe and completely non-invasive which allows immediate return to work, exercise, shopping, or dinner.  Afterwards patients experience redness which usually lasts minutes to hours. Some patients may experience bruising and/or mild tenderness, cramping and/or itching for 1-2 weeks and a temporary dulling of sensation for 1-8 weeks.

How long does it take to see results?

It takes about 8 weeks to see the results from Coolsculpting by Zeltiq treatments.  The results continue to improve for up to 16 weeks!

Additional treatments may be performed to the same areas, after 2 months. Patients may choose to have 1 to 4 treatments per area, depending on the degree of fat reduction desired. Each treatment will reduce the fat layer an additional 25%. If there is not enough subcutaneous fat to be treated, the Zeltiq applicator will not allow treatment.

How does Zeltiq differ from other body treatments that target fat and cellulite?

Treatments that are marketed for “body contouring” and “cellulite reduction” such as endermology, Velashape, Velasmooth, other lasers and radiofrequency devices only provide temporary improvement in the appearance of fat and cellulite. Mesotherapy, such as Lipo-dissolve is controversial because it has not been well studied for safety or efficacy and involves injecting various chemicals into fat. Nothing has ever been proven to remove cellulite

Are the results the same as liposuction?  How long do Zeltiq results last?

Only liposuction and Zeltiq actually remove fat cells, which by thinning the fat layer may also make cellulite look better. The results from Zeltiq are not as rapid or dramatic as liposuction but it also does not involve the pain, risk (unfortunately there have been deaths associated with surgical liposuction), and recovery time of liposuction. The elimination of fat cells with Zeltiq is expected to last as long as fat cells removed by liposuction.

How much does Zeltiq cost?

The cost of Zeltiq varies depending upon the skill and experience of the treating physician, as well as geographic location.  The cost ranges from $600 to $800 per site treated (the large abdominal hand piece is double the cost).  Patients who will require multiple treatment sessions are usually given substantial discounts when multiple treatment Zeltiq packages are purchased.

Michael A. Persky, MD, FACS

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One response to “Zeltiq: Fab or Drab?

  1. Funny I am just trying to find more info about Zeltiq and I found you. I liked your Blog.

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